Goals for Loomis
As a political candidate, it's important to address the local issues that matter most to your community members. By focusing on the specific needs and concerns of our residents, I hope to build your trust and gain support among voters. Let's work together to resolve these concerns through out our community and read more about goals that I hope to accomplish if reelected.

Maintain our Town's financial solvency
Update our Town technology processes
Maintain relationships and ongoing conversations with local jurisdictions, emergency service agencies, and other partners
Promote the Town's economic and public uses while preserving its charm and historical heritage
To nurture our shared vision, keep serving as a bridge between the Town of Loomis and our community
Jenny Knisley has integrity, experience, and commitment to serve Loomis.
​Mayor of Loomis 2022-Town of Loomis Council 2020-2024
Friends of the Loomis Library President-Current
Loomis Demonstration Garden Steering Committee-Current
Leadership Loomis Steering Committee-2019-Current
Soroptimist International Loomis All Board positions-1996-2024
Executive Director, Loomis Basin Chamber of Commerce-2009-2020
A resident of Loomis for over 40 years and a Del Oro graduate